My New Favorite Female Actor


Jennifer Lawrence

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>>10010 20 some years later, mattie is as righteous as ever and finds it detestable that a famous person like frank james would not stand up for a lady, or out of respect for rooster.. it was confusing for me as well, but more thought-provoking and an important scene that wraps up the story..


>>10003 I agree that last scene should've been left out.

For Fuck sake just check it out and go see season 1! ;)


>>10003 i was confused as to why mattie ross ended up in the pit with the snakes. she achieves her goal so suddenly, but there is no celebration. instead, her actions brought her own death closer. i had to watch a second time to hear her say at the beginning: "There’s consequences for everything we do in this world, one way an’ another. Nothing’s free but the grace of God."

i am not a deep thinker, but this story sat with me for awhile..


>>9965 Right.
>>9968 Agreed! Though I found myself at the final scene of that film feeling a little deja vous with a one-armed lady calling an old man "trash" and my lack of understanding leaving me perplexed for a total of 5 minutes.
>>9975 WTFreckle is this "Game of Thrones" you keep bringing up? Are toilets involved?

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just a few

Game of Thrones has some gorgeous women/girls :)

>>9968 I liked her accent in that made me smirk at everything she said


hailee steinfeld from "true grit" was also very good. loved the movie too


she was excellent in "winter's bone", though the film left me wanting much more (in terms of story and tension)..


she's so mystique ;)